Specialization: backend engineer. Internship: Stilt Inc., USA.
Specialization: scientific chemistry. Internship: Mahatma Gandhi University, India.
Specialization: cell biology. Internship: Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany.
Specialization: mathematics. Internship: Eurecom, France.
Specialization: molecular medicine. Internship: European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany.
Specialty: pharmaceutical production technology. Winner of the Yessenov Scholarship.
Specialization: general medicine. Internship: Mayo Clinic, USA.
Specialization: geology and exploration of deposits. Recipient of the Yessenov Scholarship.
Specialization: Electrical and Computer Engineering. Internship: Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy.
Specialty: nanomaterials and nanotechnology. The recipient of the Yessenov Scholarship.
Specialization: electric power industry. Internship: Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.
Specialty: mathematical and computer modeling. The recipient of the Yessenov Scholarship.