The Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation has announced the launch of a new “Orleu” program for graduates of schools, orphanages, colleges who want to get a higher education, but whose financial capabilities do not allow it. Within the framework of the program, the foundation accepts applications for the competition until July 20. The charity will pay for a one-year bachelor’s degree program of their choice to 10 winners, whose names will be announced on August 18. How is the information campaign of the program going and how will the winners be selected?
– The program is a chance for low–income children, among whom there are many talented ones. In the year of the 95th anniversary of the birth of Academician Shakhmardan Yesenov, who has done a lot for our country, we consider it important to help those in need, to become a social elevator for them. Provided that they really want to break the vicious circle of poverty and improve their quality of life, – says the executive director of the foundation Aiganym Malisheva.
Schoolchildren, graduates of orphanages, youth homes and colleges, orphans, children with special needs who have not received a state grant, but aspiring to higher education will be able to participate in the competition. The most important criteria are: low income, good academic performance and motivation of the participant.
– Back in March, we asked for help from local authorities and social welfare institutions and orphanages to help inform the population about the new opportunity. After all, they are the ones who have access to the target audience of “Orleu”. Given that the program is open to all Kazakhstanis, it is certainly inefficient for us to attend every school, college, city and region independently. We have contacted a total of more than 240 organizations. Among them, akimats of all regions and cities of republican significance – Almaty, Nur-Sultan, Shymkent, non-profit organizations working with low-income adolescents and educational institutions (departments, schools еtс.). We also sent information regarding the program to 253 colleges in Kazakhstan. We are grateful to everyone for their help. Every day we receive calls from school principals, employees of Akimats, parents, teenagers themselves also address to us. We are ready to answer any questions and to help,” explained Aigerim Sultan, coordinator of the “Orleu” program.
As stated in the program regulation, grants from the foundation for higher education will be received by those who choose natural sciences or mathematics and statistics, information and communication technologies, engineering, manufacturing and construction industries or healthcare. And although the grant will be allocated only for one academic year, each year the grant recipient will be able to participate in the competition and win it again to continue their studies.
– We did this to motivate students to achieve good academic results. It would have been impossible if we had paid for all 4 years of bachelor’s degree at once,” explained the decision of the Yessenov Foundation, its head Ms. Malisheva.
In order for the winners of the program to study well during an academic year for which they are awarded by grant, the foundation will make payments to universities by semesters, which will be a good incentive for the winners, according to the organization. For the academic year 2022-2023, 10 grants will be allocated without a limit on tuition fees. In addition, the future nonresident students will receive, if necessary, a scholarship of up to 140 thousand tenge per month to pay for housing, food and communication needs. The initiators of the new program consider the most important for it is to be that same opportunity that will help young Kazakhstanis in need who want to improve their lives through education.
– Acceptance of applications in “Orleu” will be wrapped up in July 20 at 15.00 capital time, and we will determine the winners in August, just a few days after the publication of the lists of winners of the state educational grant, – Ms. Sultan specified.
The “Orleu” competition will be held in 2 stages. At the first one, the foundation’s staff will study the applicants’ documents, assessing their academic performance, motivation, volunteer experience, and financial situation. At the second stage, individual and group online interviews will be conducted, some knowledge and personal qualities will be evaluated. A professional psychologist is invited to do this.
In total, since 2013 – the inauguration year for the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation — almost 1,700 young Kazakhstanis have become the organization’s direct beneficiaries.
20.06.22, Newsfeed
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