The Science and Education Foundation named after Academician Shakhmardan Yessenov has announced its 2017 grant program – Research Internships at World Laboratories – for Kazakhstan’s 10 best students. Undergraduate sophomores and juniors pursuing engineering and natural sciences majors.

Annual grant competitions is taking place for the fourth time. The foundation has already sponsored over 30 local students’ internships at the universities of the USA, Switzerland, China and Sweden. Students of Nazarbayev UniversityAsfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical UniversityGumilyov Eurasian National UniversityKazakh-British Technical University and Süleyman Demirel University have become the winners of the program in different years.

– The purpose of the program is to contribute to the development of Kazakhstan’s intellectual potential, which also coincides with the foundation’s mission. Through these internships at leading laboratories of the world, we help our future scientists, these young persons who cannot afford the considerable costs of an overseas internship to achieve a breakthrough in their careers, – told the foundation’s founder Galimzhan Yessenov. – If you are in your 2-3rd year of studies, majoring in natural sciences, engineering or nutrition/food studies and public health, you are eligible to apply to the program.

Executive director of the foundation Aiganym Malisheva adds:
– Such research internships is vital for those students who plan to pursue a Ph.D at a foreign university. Students who are already leading or taking part in a scientific project or even have some kind of achievements in the scientific will, obviously, have an advantage during the selection process.

Annually the foundation issues grants that cover visa, insurance, travel, lodging and meal expenses for 10 interns. The grants allowed the students to do internships at educational establishments such as California Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School, Rochester Institute of Technologies, Karolinska Institutet, Tufts University, ETH Zurich, and Texas and Boston universities.  In three months, Kazakhstan students gain invaluable work experience in laboratories of leading educational institutions around the world, expand their professional knowledge, make progress in their papers, and build networking.  All of this helps them throughout their careers both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

– To participate, you need to send in the application till December 19. The application is available for download on our website. In addition there is a list of documents too. Please, check the website to see the full list. All of the documents must be sent to our email at It is very important to follow up with after you send the documents to ensure we received your documents (+ 7 727 349 40 04). After the New Year holidays, around January 9 we will announce results of competition’s first round. The next second round will take place shortly afterwards. – says Ilzira Aldagarova, the program’s coordinator.

Names of the winners of the program will be known at the start of February next year, the year when we will be celebrating Shakhmardan Yessenov’s 90th birthday anniversary.

10.10.16, Newsfeed

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