March 31 is the deadline for accepting applications for summer school Yessenov Data Lab (YDL). It will be held in Almaty for the second time. It is organized by the Shakhmardan Yessenov Science and Education Foundation in cooperation with AlmaU, under the direction of professors Kunash Abeshev and and Timur Bakibayev. The students on the course will be 25 winners of the Foundation’s grant competition. We’ll find out their names at the end of May.

What distinguishes YDL-2019 from last year’s programme? – We asked the foundation’s project manager Roumissa Bashaeva.
– The format of the school remains the same: it is an 8-week intensive course on data Analytics, the participants of which are selected by open competitive selection. Last year’s experience was successful, and we do not plan major changes, only small additions. For example, for the convenience of candidates this year all the tests for the selection process will be held online.  We also made additions to the training program and increased the number of participants to 25.

Why did you decide to increase the number of students?
— We have always understood the demand for data Analytics skills. Kazakh companies are experiencing an acute shortage of qualified specialists in this field.  Last year’s experience showed that there is not only demand, but also supply. In addition, we made sure that there are talented guys in the country who have the necessary skills to participate in the school. That is why the foundation’s founder, Galimzhan Yessenov, supported to increase the number of grants.

What did the graduates of the first summer school for data analysts achieve last year?
— We stay in contact and in particular our chat in WhatsApp still exists, and we see that everybody was satisfied; some went on to a masters, some went abroad to work, but all are working now in this area, — added YDL lecturer and mentor, Dean of the school of engineering AlmaU, Kuanysh Abashev (pictured above).

What will the competition be like this year?
– This year the competitive selection will be held in three stages. First, we will evaluate the applications of the guys, then test their knowledge of algorithms, mathematics and logic, and in the final round we will conduct an online interview with them, — said AlmaU Professor Timur Bakibayev also YDL lecturer and mentor, joining the conversation.

The lecturers at the school are already well-known names in the field of data Analytics: Dmitry Rusanov, Mikhail Lipkovich, Marina Gorlova, etc. Who will teach YDL students this year?
– This year Senior Cloud Computing Engineer for ClearScale Valery Zhuk, a specialist in big data with impressive experience, will join the list. We also plan to sign a contract with the Russian BigData Team, which has proved itself well, — Kuanysh added.

And how does Russian YDL lecturer rate our students?
– Last year I was surprised how motivated the guys were. They all had different levels, but due to their work everyone eventually got the knowledge and skills that they needed. This year we will go further: we will expand the programme, so I advise new participants to tune in for a fruitful two months — said the leading developer of TRA Robotics, Mikhail Lipkovich (pictured).

Last year, the Fund received 118 applications to the competition for the YDL, this year it is expected to be about 200 applications. On May 29th, the winners will be announced, and on June 10, the first lesson of the second summer school for analysts at the Yessenov Data Lab will be held. For those not resident nearby in Almaty, the Yessenov Foundation will pay for food, transport and accomodation . All students of the school (including Almaty students) are paid a scholarship.


20.03.19, Newsfeed

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