On November 30 there will be the second meeting of the Find Your Way series. Shakhmardan Yessenov Science and Education Foundation continues to popularize science among schoolchildren and help school graduates decide on the choice of life and professional path.

— Find Your Way-2 is held under the motto “Do it yourself!”, says Sergey Levadny, project coordinator. – All speeches will be devoted to how young people without rich relatives and connections, relying only on their own strength, turn life into an exciting journey, make it more meaningful and conducive to self-development. Galimzhan Yessenov, the founder of the foundation, also plans to participate in the meetings.

Lectures and interactive projects this time will be held at Narxoz University, the action will begin at 14.00. The visiting school graduates will meet with Aigul Imadildaeva – a person who has undergone an internship in America and is managing the Kazakhstan company CODE4U. You will learn how to get to the Silicon Valley and open your own IT company in our country.

15-17-year-old Almaty residents will also get acquainted with the chemist Dias Tastanbekov, who calls himself a technology commercializer and jokingly calls himself a master of sports in failing startups, whose portfolio already has several successful projects:
— I will tell these young people what any person who can be called successful is faced with. They will understand that not everything in life is so nice and smooth, and you need to be ready for everything. I am sure that my story will also teach them when to listen to the heart and when to a wallet in order turn their plans into reality,” Dias explained.

Katarina Maksimenkо – an expert in the field of natural beauty, fitness and health – will destroy the myths about healthy eating and share the secrets of how to create a diet for yourself to achieve goals. The event will be attended by psychologists and trainers Lala Samsa and Darya Kobzeva. Topics they will discuss: how to become more effective, find the necessary educational courses, make a plan to achieve goals. And the co-founder of and a photographer of NatGeo Qazaqstan Kateryna Koshko will tell you how it feels to live for your dream. While career consultant Marina Dorofeyeva will sort through the process of finding a job and an internship.

— During this meeting, young people will have to make their choice between three different audiences, which will simultaneously cover three completely different topics. It seems to me that this is a kind of training on the implementation of the choice,” Sergey adds. “But they won’t get tired much, because we have planned time for short snacks.”

An interactive and no less useful part of the event will be held by Anastasia Guryanova and Maya Kartabaeva from MyFutureToday. They promise to tell teens how to set goals and stay on track. And coaches Alisher Sadykov and Vladimir Kushchenko ( will explain to future school graduates why a hobby will certainly help them find their favorite job.

The Foundation offers to everyone who plans to participate in the meeting on November 30 to sign in now, the collected data will help determine further topics for the project. Let us remind you, that the first Find Your Way, held in August, was visited by more than 200 school graduates of Almaty. Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation plans to continue such meeting with schoolchildren in 2020 too.

15.11.19, Newsfeed

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