On 25 April in Almaty, the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation launched its new grant program targeting the students and teachers of regional higher educational institutions. The program’s grant competition aims to improve the language proficiency of its participants. This time the program that has been running since 2013 will be implemented in the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University.

— We already posted the application form and a brief information about the program on our website. Students and teachers of the Kyzylorda State University will be able to participate. The program will have many similar features to what we have conducted for three years at the Yessenov Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering in Aktau, — said the coordinator of the English language program of the foundation, Zhadyra Sarmanova.

The program saw 192 students and 64 teachers of the Aktau University significantly improve their English level.

The competition is open to both teachers and sophomore and third year students of the following departments:

— natural history,

— engineering and technology,

— environmental engineering,

— economics and information technologies.

The application deadline is May 10 by midnight. The contest will be held in two rounds. In the first technical round 200 students will be chosen according to the number of points they received. The score of points will be based on the completeness of application, the content of the cover letter and academic achievements (GPA) of the applicant. The selected candidates will be admitted to the second round. All the faculty members who apply (and their number is expected to be small) will automatically qualify for the second round. In the second round of the competition experts of the foundation and Bonas Macfarlane Education language center — the Foundation’s partner of this program — will carry out testing and interviewing of both the students and teachers in Kyzylorda. This stage of the competition is scheduled from 15 to 19 may. By May 24Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation will announce the names of the competition winners — students and teachers that will start their language classes with the new academic year in 2017.

— The program will run for 2 years and as we envisage, around 150 students and 60 teachers of the Kyzylorda University will be given the opportunity to significantly improve their English level, — added Zhadyra.

Update: Kyzylorda State University kindly asked us to extend the application deadline until September 4, 2017. This will give the freshmen of the Class 2021 the opportunity to apply for the English language program as well. We could not but agree and would like to inform that the second round of the competition will be held early September and by mid-month we will announce the names of the winners — those students and faculty members who will study in the English Language Program. Up to now, we have received over 90 and 30 applications from students and faculty, respectively.

26.04.17, Newsfeed

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