Vadim Sarsenbayev

Specialty: Mechanical Engineering. Yessenov Scholarship recipient.

Vadim is a 27-year-old from Petropavlosk . In 2018the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation scholarship competition, and was awarded a second scholarship as a graduate student at North-Kazakhstan State University. He is interested in programming, engineering, and medicine; he also likes tuning cars and communicating with people. Speaking of people, he considers loyalty, openness and a sense of humor as the most valuable personal qualities.

I know that you have been actively engaged in volunteering. What exactly have you done?
I still participate in a variety of activities for schoolchildren and students of other educational institutions. I have also organized events in juvenile rehabilitation centers. We’ve conducted art therapy sessions with children, organized meetings for young people with psychologists and lawyers, and organized personal development training. I’ve also given science lectures to get young people interested.

Was the final stage of the Foundation’s scholarship competition difficult for you?
To say it was easy would be a lie. All the guys are talented, and it was hard. I got to know a lot of them. All of them are so creative, talented, smart and funny. There were, for example, girls who have already published novels, and guys who conduct scientific research. Basically, I had to work hard to win.

How badly did you want to win and why do you need this scholarship?
To prove to myself that I’m truly worth something now. I didn’t do very well at school. We weren’t well off, and my living environment wasn’t that great. My teachers used to tell me I wouldn’t be successful in life. Only my family and friends always supported me. Now I am known not only scientific circles in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. I often participate in scientific conferences. One of the most significant was the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, held in Hong Kong in 2017.  The scholarship helps me a lot in financial terms: to have such an additional income these days  is worth a lot. But what’s even cooler is to be able to spend it on the implementation of my ideas and plans. The scholarship saved me many times during my internship abroad.

What has happened this last year?
I’ve been studying hard, I continue to participate in conferences and events, I often give talks to children on programming and engineering topics. I held an ” open laboratory” on behalf of the Russian science Foundation “Lab-2019″, and together with experts from the Military Institute of the National Guard of Kazakhstan created a platform for educating cadets. I participated in the elections to the regional youth local authority, and now I sit as its Deputy. With a team we carried out a project researching suicide in educational institutions of our region.

What will you do next year?
You know, I want to dive deeper into ‘ferrohydrodynamics’. For example byparticipating  in the project to create a new generation of fighter-jets with engines operating on the basis of its principles. For a long time I have been nurturing some ideas like creating a device for blood purification, and projects on nanomachines, I plan to defend a thesis on this topic, and then beign  a doctoral program. And if I have any time left I want to tune my “ZAZ 968m”, which I bought long time ago. And by the way, I believe that any person will succeed if he has a good reason to, and there are people who support him. So I thank everyone who supported me.

19.02.19, Stories

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