Alexandra Krivoguzova
Specialty: Instrument Engineering. Yessenov Scholarship Recipient.
Sasha Krivoguzova is finishing her bachelor’s degree at Karagandy Technical University in her hometown, she studies instrument engineering. A 21-year-old girl has always liked to break down stereotypes and generally accepted standards. Therefore, despite graduating from the humanitarian gymnasium, she decided to pursue technical field. And she was able to achieve success in her studies, which helped her in winning the Yesenov Scholarship during the competition of the Yessenov Foundation.
Why did you choose this specialization?
The teacher of physical sciences, Irina Seiwald, helped me a lot with the choice. Thanks to her, I plunged headlong into the tech industry. The engineering profession is good because you study not only physics, but also chemistry, develop logical thinking, creativity, study various software, drawing and create something new with your own hands.
What positions do graduates of your specialty work in?
It has two main areas: metrology and information and measurement technology. I specialize in the latter. I study in-depth information technology and software development, design and operation of automated information and measurement systems. Graduates are employed in a wide range of enterprises: from large-scale production to state institutions in almost any industry. Some becomes an engineer-technologist, some — an engineer-metrologist, while others obtain a position of design engineer.
How did you decide to take part in the scholarship competition of the Yessenov Foundation?
From the first year, I decided for myself: I want to learn, set an example to others, be a leader and develop. I first heard about this competition from the lecturers. My parents and university activists encouraged me to participate. I was very worried. To be honest, I never imagined that I could win.
Why do you think you won? Any personal life hacks for future contestants?
The second stage (i.e. the final) was held as an interview with representatives of the foundation. This fact pleased me, because it was a chance to make a good impression on the interlocutors, by communicating face to face. Although I was very worried, I was extremely honest and answered the questions sincerely. It was these moments — I guess — that helped me to win. And, of course, my research papers. I have already done more than 27 scientific publications in three languages. I am also actively engaged in volunteer activities. And I can give the following advice to future contestants: be yourself, strive for the best, read more, develop, help those in need, never give up and believe that your wishes will come true.
What do you plan to do after completing your bachelor’s degree?
I’m writing my graduate thesis now. The topic is “Development of a laboratory stand for checking electricity meters”. Our classes are held online and offline. I consult with my supervisor and curator – Master of Technical Sciences – Vladislav Yurchenko. I am grateful to him for his support and help. After defending my thesis, I plan to enroll in a master’s program abroad. At the moment I choose the country and university.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I love to sew, create clothes with my own hands. Every six months, I improve my skills as a fashion designer, take various courses, so that in the future, perhaps, I will be able to create my own clothing brand. I am actively interested in software for 3D modeling. Along with yoga, fitness, and swimming, these are my hobbies. I also like to read books on psychology: Bessel van der Kolk, Eric Berne, Daniel L. Schacter, and Kelly McGonigal.
If possible, a few words about your family and closed ones.
My family is my home. My father was a liquidator of the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe, he looked at everything from the creative side, loved to read, cooked delicious food, and was able to approach problems from an unusual side. I do not know what he did not know. He was proud of me. Unfortunately, on July 17, 2020, dad died, the cause of which was cancer… My mother achieved everything she wanted. She worked as a teacher for 25 years, and now she is engaged in marketing. A very important person in my life is my fiance, we prepare for the wedding. He was always there for me, helping me write articles, criticizing my work, and supporting me in difficult moments. I have many wonderful memories of my childhood and family. I often remember the summer of 2007: when I flew with my parents to visit my grandparents. And still with a smile and even with tears.
9.04.21, Stories
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