New year in the english program started in KU

A new academic year has begun at Kozybayev University as part of the Yessenov Foundation English Language Program. The selection of participants in the second year of the program traditionally took place in September, resulting in 182 students started their studies in October.

– We received 206 applications to the competition, last year it was 338 applications. I think the difference is due to the fact that in the first year almost all students of this educational facility took part in the program, meaning those who were very interested in improving their level of language proficiency. This year we are dealing only with those for whom participation has become relevant recently – these are teachers and university staff, as well as students of such areas as biotechnology, IT and medicine. It is worth noting that Kozybayev University has been implementing a two-degree education program jointly with the University of Arizona for the second year, and in this regard, English language proficiency has become a priority for teachers and students. – the coordinator of the program Aigerym Sultan told.

All 206 applicants were admitted to the test. Most of them – 123 – were teachers, fewer applications – 83 – were received from students. The number of teachers also includes undergraduates and doctoral students of the North Kazakhstan university.

– Based on the results of the online English grammar testing conducted using the Bonas McFarlane platform, we selected 182 people who started studying under our program in accordance with their level of language proficiency. We have sent paper textbooks to the university, while the participants are study using the electronic version, – Aigerym added.

According to the Yessenov Foundation, the largest number of participants in the program falls on the Elementary (A1) and Pre-Intermediate (A2) levels, among the teachers there is also a significant number of Intermediate (B1) students. It is worth adding that initially the foundation planned that the training stream would welcome 160 people. But the Kazakhstan charity organization decided to admit 22 more participants, since in the first two months of the course there is a natural outflow of students for various reasons. The inability to combine courses with work or study, insufficient English proficiency to study with a native speaker, etc. are among them.

Classes for bachelors are taught by Nathan Maher, and Antony Graham Durrant works with lecturers. The schedule includes two lessons per week for 90 minutes on the Zoom platform. The study, as well as the entire program, will be completed in May 2024.

Recall that the English program is implemented in each regional university-winner for two years. Native speakers educate students and teachers of the winning educational institution. The Yessenov Foundation has been implementing the program since 2013 with the assistance of Bonas McFarlane Education Kazakhstan. The best students of the year get the right to pass IELTS at the expense of the foundation. In previous years Yessenov University (Aktau), Korkyt Ata University (Kyzylorda), Karaganda Medical University (Karaganda) have already become the winners of the program with the right to implement a program for their students and lecturers. In total, 832 students and teachers of these educational facilities have already improved their English level. In addition to them, more than 150 students and teachers of Kozybayev University have already improved their English thanks to participation in the first year of the program.

In the first half of 2024 the Yessenov Foundation will hold the competition to select new regional university of Kazakhstan, where the English language program will be implemented in the academic years 2024-2026.

1.11.23, Newsfeed, Newsfeed

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