A series “Physics in Comics” is issued in 2019 in Kazakhstan. It is designed for 10-12 years old children, who are getting ready to start studying the science at school. Such an attempt to create a comic book, aimed at promotion the physics, is being made in the country for the first time. The project was implemented by the team of Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation from Almaty.

— Back in February, we thought: how we could take part in the popularization of science among children. We decided to take the work of the legendary Jakov Perelman “Entertaining Physics” as a basis. In the process of discussion we came to the conclusion that first and foremost it should have been an interesting story for the youngsters, that after all the adventures would introduce to the boys and girls the laws of physics they faced every minute of their life. The founders of the foundation Galimzhan Yessenov and Aizhan Yessim supported our idea, — the foundation’s coordinator Nursultan Nurmukhanov says.

According to the publishers of “Physics in Comics” specially created main characters of the series will experience the effect of each physical law on themselves. From issue to issue, they will travel around Kazakhstan, simultaneously informing school readers about such beautiful places in the country as the Charyn canyon, the Caspian Sea or the Ustyurt reserve. There will be magic and additional educational information in the comic book. For example, the children will learn how famous mystical Lake Kaindy in Almaty region appeared.

Writer and creator of comics, the founder of the Khan Comics Orazkhan Zhakup shared his impressions about working on the project for the foundation:
— We were requested to write the script, turning scientific knowledge into a teenage action. This task seemed funny, and it was a kind of a challenge: to come up with a plot based on boring formulas, so that it would interest the most demanding audience! And still it was necessary to comply with deadline and a quality milestone. The main artist of the series was Daniyar Orynbaev, several colorists worked on the issues. Now we are drawing the 4th issue, but the script is already written for the whole cycle. It will consist of 10 issues.

There are 4 main characters in a series, 4 ordinary teenagers, in which each of the Kazakh pupils easily recognize themselves and their friends.

— They are quite ordinary, without any abilities and skills of superheroes. Though it is possible, probably, to highlight Alibek. He loves science and behaves like a walking encyclopedia, sometimes even becoming nerdy —the creator Daniyar Orynbayev describes his heroes of “Physics in Comics”. — Eric is strong and active, he prefers outdoor activities. Ruslan is a typical city teenager, he loves video games and comics. Beautiful Nika graces this company. Like many girls, she is diligent and accurate, but her appearance proves that she is a fan of rock music.

The first issues of “Physics in Comics” in the state and Russian languages will be printed in 2000 copies. As reported by Yessenov Foundation, it is planned to distribute the part of circulation among secondary schools in Almaty. It is expected that from February 2019 comics series will be regularly received by the major bookstores in the country. The course of distribution of the first series of comics will determine whether the sequel of “Physics in Comics” will follow. The presentation of the series will be held on December 17 in Almaty (Smart Point, Baizakov str., 280).

12.12.18, Newsfeed

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