Lyazzat Zhanshayeva
Specialty: Engineer of Mechanical Engineering. Internship: University of California, Los Angeles.
The student of 22 y.o., she was born in Atyrau and, graduated from the Zhautykov National physics and mathematics school. She studies at Nazarbayev University. Thanks to the Foundation’s grant in the summer of 2015 she undertook a research internship at the University of California in the School of Engineering and Applied Science by Department of Mechanical Engineering and Astronautics.
1. Why did you choose this field as your speciality in the University?
At school I was passionate about exact sciences — mathematics and physics especially. Then I was accepted in KBTU in Oil and Gas and Nazarbayev University at the same time. And I entered the latter university because I was more interested in the engineering profession. Moreover, the specialty covers the whole production cycle — from design to quality management. Later I had to choose between chemical, electrical, civil and mechanical engineering and realized that I prefer mechanical engineering.
2. What was most difficult part in grant competition?
To find a professor with the topic suitable to mine. I probably wrote over 100 emails, 80% of which left unanswered. Also, at first I was invited to the California Institute of Technology, but later because of internal problems in the University, they informed me that Caltech is not able to accept me. Therefore, at the end of April I had to start my search for the US laboratory virtually from scratch. Fortunately, I received 3 invitations (not without the help of a member of the Board of Trustees Eldar Akhmetgaliev), including an invitation from Caltech, again.
3. Any memorable experience that happened during internship in America?
Certainly I was interested in everything: people, culture, country, city, University and, of course, an internship itself. I studied the subject that occupied me in the past: mechanics of deformable solids. The practical significance of this theme is in the possibility of applying the results of its study in defectoscopy/nondestructive testing. In personal terms, of course, the cities and places I visited left a lasting impression.
4. How would you describe the impact of the internship to you personally?
The experience gained and the results achieved during the internship helped me to better understand what I would like to study after getting the bachelor’s degree. I will continue to study the mechanics of deformable solids. I think, those good relationships with Professor Azhit Small, University staff and students from different countries will between all of us during the internship in America — they all will stand me in a good stead.
20.10.17, Stories
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