Selection for the national team that will compete in the International Olympiad on Earth Sciences IESO – 2017 took place in Astana. The selection was organized by the corporate “Zhas Geolog” (“Young Geologist”) foundation whereas financial back up is provided by the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation.
As an outcome of the selection Moldir Shyngys, Vladislav Winchenbach, Aruzhan Kalamova (all three from Astana) and Gleb Smirnov from Oskemen will be representing Kazakhstan at the IESO (International Earth Science Olympiad) in Nice, France. International Olympiad on Earth Sciences is in late August and will cover the following subjects: Geology, Geophysics, Meteorology, Oceanography and Atronomy. The students have already started preparing for the upcoming Olympiad. Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation took up to finance the team’s trip, including the participation fee, and uniform and travel costs.
– The decision to support the young geologists was not made on a whim. This year we are celebrating the 90th birth anniversary of Academician Shahmardan Yessenov, who was an outstanding geologist, Minister of Geology of the Kazakh SSR, a disciple of K. Satpayev and President of the Academy of Sciences of our country. The country does have a gap in skilled geologists. And to develop a new generation of professionals we must invest in youth. Participation in the IESO for these very capable and promising individuals is a big step toward their future profession, – said the foundation’s project coordinator Nursultan Nurmukhanov.
Participants of the competition are 30 zealous high school students and active members of young geologists’ clubs. Many of them have the experience of participating and winning international and national Olympiads, and demonstrated their proficient command of English and good leadership and team working skills.
The selection of the members into the national team took place in two stages English being the working language. The first round implied a written test to assess the participants’ knowledge in Geology, Geophysics, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Astronomy. During the second round, the contestants delivered a presentation on “Environmental Issues in Kazakhstan” topic. Representatives of the Information Analytical center of Geology and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan, Republican Center of Geological Information “Kazgeoinform”, JSC “Kazgeologiya”, Zhas Geolog, and Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation sat on the jury board of the competition.
26.01.17, Newsfeed
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