The first round of the grant competition “Internships in innovative enterprises of China” has come to its end.

This time around you will not see school names next to each candidate in the list. The answer is as simple as it could be – the Chinese internships do not set limits neither to occupation level (student or not) nor there any age restrictions.  The second round of the competition takes place from April 21 to April 30: each participant will receive a link to an online test, which will assess psychological traits and level of intelligence.

At the end of the second round, we will select 10 participants and publish their on 29 April. The winners will be chosen by the Expert Board of the Foundation which will mark the third and final round of the grant competition.

List of the Round 2 finalists for the Internships in China’s innovative enterprises contest:

1.    Azamat Tikenov
2.    Talgat Islamgozhayev
3.    Kamshat Samatova
4.    Arman Zharmagambetov
5.    Andrei Sakriukin
6.    Almaz Kopeyev
7.    Dinsultan Absattar
8.    Sanzhar Askaruly
9.    Beibut Amirgaliyev
10.    Ainur Batyrguzhinova
11.    Aidyn Myltykbayev
12.    Olzhas Adiyatov
13.    Rustem Yermekov
14.    Ayazhan Izim
15.    Bagdat Myrzakhmetov

20.04.16, Newsfeed

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