Darya Belyavskaya

Darya Belyavskaya is a 21 year-old bachelor student of Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (KazNMU) majoring in General Medicine. She has finished her research internship in September 2016 working under supervision of Professor Susan B. Roberts at Energy Metabolism laboratory, Tufts University.

1. Why did you choose this major applying to university?

Actually, it was really hard decision for me. That time I wish to be a man in white coat. A physician, you think? No. A man who discover through research. And it did take time to understand and even to prove it during education at university that medicine is a great field to apply this intention.

2. What was the hardest thing for you during the competition for internship?

I got known about this competition from my Professor Aigul Sapargaliyeva who gave me a confidence that I have to try my best and apply. The 2nd tour was pretty hard for me as there were a lot of intellectually strong students with the relative experience. Also, I met some difficulties during getting visa approval from the US university as my Researh center was under USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and had a more complicated process in this issue and that’s why it took more time comparing to separated from this department labs. Eventually, I made a conclusion that any time you have to go straight ahead and do not give your choice for simpler one but no the best.

3. What were some interesting things that happened during your internship?

Before starting my work I got a necessary qualification CITI certificate to be able to take part in the research studies in US laboratories. Also I read a lot about new studies and its protocols. The most interesting thing was that besides getting experience working with Bomb Calorimetry technics I could able to implement my artistic skills in “Nutrition For One World ” study. The result of which was a curriculum for teachers aimed to improve food preferences in young children.

4. What did you gain from the internship?

I have got an incredible experience of working with the research team that increased not only my skills in working with the most innovative lab equipment but make me more confident in my own knowledge, speaking skills, creativity. Also, I received a powerful desire to move and to develop further. The internship gave me the opportunity to grow professionally, to get known with American culture, to meet very nice people, including both my professors Susan B. Roberts and Sai Crupa Das.

*The answers are by Darya in English. Author’s style is retained.

4.11.17, Stories

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