Batyr Ilyas

Batyr is a student of the physics faculty of the Nazarbayev University. Thanks to the partial financing from the Foundation, he went to China this summer and carried out a scientific research under the guidance of Professor Tim Byrnes at the Shanghai branch of New York University.

1. Why did you choose physics as a degree?

As I see it, physics crowns all the Sciences. My interest in physics was vivid since the school years and I discovered both interest and aptitude for research and science.  I also know that our country is in need of highly qualified scientists. All these factors determined my choice.

2. How did you come up with funding for your research internship?

I looked for foreign scientists willing to include me to their research team for the summer. Professor Byrnes replied telling me that the University is willing to assume half of all the costs. To cover the remaining 50% of the costs associated with the trip, I applied to the travel grants program of the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation. I follow their news on Facebook and know that they have such a program. In the end, the foundation helped.

3. What was your internship about?

The topic of my internship was associated with the theory of quantum information, or secure information exchange to be precise. The idea is that using the quantum mechanical properties of particles, exchange of information can be simplified and made even safer. As you can see, this project has a great practical sense. A vivid example is the world’s first quantum satellite launched recently by Chinese scientists.

4. What were the outcomes of the research? What are your career plans now?

I gained invaluable experience and tried out myself in real scientific work. This experience will help me when applying to graduate school. I hope to enroll to one of the world’s leading physics universities, and in order to achieve the goal I will do my best by all means.

25.10.17, Stories

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