Chess Promotion in Kazakhstan

The updated and improved web resource of the Kazakhstan Chess Federation (KCF) was launched on January 18. The design of the resource,, has been completely renovated to a new pattern reflecting the latest global tendencies in user interface and the structure is simplified to enhance the user experience.

In the process of updating the website, feedback both from the chess players and the Federation’s management was taken into consideration, and resulted in a new main menu and an optimized content. Additionally, the new web site has the ability to embed any module, whereas the old one did not have such function available for the administrator.

Moreover, there is now the possibility of online broadcast of chess matches from any competition held under the auspices of the KCF. The website has also been adjusted for an appropriate display on any computers and become “mobile ready”. The visitors will be able to bind his or her comments of the web-site with their social media accounts. Upgraded calendar of events and ratings of chess players was also added.

As the KCF Executive Director Irina Grishchenko said, “We are confident that the new website fully meets all the latest requirements, and will allow us to strengthen ties with members of the Federation, professional chess players and to increase the number of chess lovers in Kazakhstan, contributing to the popularization of the game within the country”.

The renovation of KCF’s online resource has been carried out by Neolabs, a web-studio with a 15-year old experience in designing architecture and infrastructure of web services. Amongts the works of the studio there are web products for various educational projects including The Shahmardan Yessenov Foundation and Global Student Center and companies such as ASTEL and Komesk-Omir. The Federation’s website is currently being finalized, and we would be happy to hear your opinion on its structure and functioning. By visiting the website and testing its work, you can send your suggestions to us:

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