On 22 and 23 January, Almaty and Astana hosted the final round of the Foundation’s grant competition, winners of which will go to the US labs on summer internships.
A number of individual and group assignments were assigned to the 34 out of 36 participants of the second and final round (the two did not attend the event due to certain reasons). In a meeting held by the Expert Board of the Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation, the results were analyzed to decide the 10 winners (please see the list below). All of them will undertake research internships in the summer of 2016 at the laboratories of the best American Universities of their choice.
One of the ten grants is allocated for research in Nutrition/Food Studies/Public Health. Psychologist Yelena Amreyeva, the Foundation’s Trustee Eldar Akhmetgaliyev and employees of the Foundation — Irina Grishchenko, Zhadyra Sarmanova, Ilzira Aldagarova —took part in assessment and the overall selection process. In total, the grant program received 146 applications from the students of Kazakhstan’s 18 universities. We congratulate the winners and wish them to be ever more persistent in achieving their goals. From today on, they will find themselves emerged in pleasant hassle of finding the right laboratory and obtaining the visa – all with the sole purpose of carrying out the research to learn and seek for answers.
27.01.16, Newsfeed
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